ive many memories of Mark but the funnyist one was when he helped all of us assemble a simple 8 piece metal floor standing storage unit with doors and shelves, what a laugh it was as he like all of us hadnt a clue where to start or finish,,,So after a couple of hrs of smashing and bashing and serious Mens Matters debateing we had it assembled,,, and there it stood bent and deformed so badly the doors would neather open or close and with shelves bugkled and out of square,,, when he mentioned takeing photos of it with our team standing proudly beside it i remember jumping out of view cause i didnt want to be associated with having had anything to do with having taken part in its assembly,,, OMG what a laugh we had but as always Mark kept his composure and just politly smiled witch made the whole situation even more funny, im gunna miss you pal and our group wont ever be the same, plus you were the only one who laughed at my jokes, R,I,P, my friend never forgotton from Rob Hutchison,